List of products by manufacturer ATS
This three minute meeting opener introduces five generations in the workforce.
OpeningLines: Bridging 5 Generations
This 5 minute program explores issues of harassment by presenting legal definitions, what to do when employees are harassed and the consequences employees will face if they harass others.
OpeningLines: Exploring Harassment
Elegantly and intelligently explores the four core aspects of a diverse workplace.
OpeningLines: Facing Diversity
All five generations discuss their own generational traits and that of their coworkers.
Please Respect My Generation!
Employee and Manager Course Versions Available
Seeing Is Believing: Anti-Racism, Equity & Inclusion in a...
This concise program is both comprehensive and simple to understand, with short vignettes that illustrate and dramatize the material presented.
Sexual Harassment — the "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™
This program includes California legislation AB 1825 and AB 2053 training requirements for California managers and supervisors.
Sexual Harassment, California Edition — the "TAKEAWAY" for...
Each of the six programs concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations to provide basic tools on managing a respectful and legally compliant workplace.
The "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™ California Edition Series
Each of the six programs concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations to provide basic tools on managing a respectful and legally compliant workplace.
The "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™ Series