List of products by manufacturer ATS
This 9-minute program concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations, to help managers foster an inclusive, professional environment.
Diversity, Respect, & Legal Compliance — the "TAKEAWAY" for...
Explores four main aspects of diversity in the workplace: stereotypes, similarities, unity and benefits.
Diversity: Face to Face
Ethics Rules of the Road focuses on five areas of particular concern—dishonesty, theft, harassment, illegal financial manipulations, and safety violations.
Ethics Rules of the Road
This 9-minute program focuses on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations, to convey the spirit of the FMLA, as well as how to legally comply with this sometimes confusing legislation.
FMLA in a Nutshell — the "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™
Our best-selling harassment program has been updated and expanded. And now includes a 10 minute manager's program too!
Harassment Hurts: It's Personal II™
A short but comprehensive program that covers the essential information all managers and supervisors need to have about what harassment is and how to deal with it proactively.
Harassment-Prevention Essentials for Managers
From the Common Cold and Flu to Novel Coronaviruses
Health Essentials at Work: Avoiding Infectious Disease