OpeningLines Series
Exploring Harassment, Understanding Respect, Facing Diversity & Bridging 5 Generations
These four short programs can be used as new-employee orientation tools or as meeting openers.
These four short programs (each one between three and five minutes) can be used as new-employee orientation tools or as meeting openers or closers for any harassment, respect, generations or diversity training. Perfect for a quick and concise refresher course for your organization's anti-harassment policy or to just introduce the fundamental and important concepts of respect, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Key Learning Points
- Learn the different types of harassment and their negative ramifications.
- Through legal definitions, learn the negative consequences of various types of harassment.
- Fully understand what stereotypes are and are not. Learn how stereotypes affect others and ourselves. Learn how to recognize them and stop negative behavior.
- Explore the benefits and rewards of a diverse organization in ways you may have never considered! The world has changed, and because of the global marketplace, diversity is even more important than ever.
- Learn how each generation is identified and defined.