Walking the Walk: Preventing Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace

Walking the Walk: Preventing Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace

While sexual harassment training has been mandatory in many U.S. organizations for decades, if we’re going to be honest, it hasn’t always made a significant impact.

Walking the Walk: Preventing Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace takes on this challenge directly, pointing out that just talking about the problem is not enough.

Combating gender harassment and racism, ensuring equity and inclusion, and the importance of a respectful workplace are at the forefront of the national conversation, and this program’s engaging scenarios emphasize the need to actually put these concepts into practice to ensure a productive, respectful, safe workplace culture.

Walking the Walk not only covers basic definitions of sexual and other forms of harassment, it also explains that much of what is defined as harassment is inadvertent and avoidable. It describes the benefits of bias awareness, bystander intervention, and practicing civility as practical methods we can use to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk, in order to ensure a happy, legally compliant workplace free from any form of abusive conduct.

The program includes the following learning modules:

  • The Basics: Hostile Work Environment (includes remote harassment)
  • The Basics: Quid Pro Quo
  • Third-Party Harassment: What Is It?
  • The Active Bystander: How We Can Help
  • Responding to Harassment: What to Do (includes bias)
  • Practicing Civility (includes the role of civility in preventing gender-based harassment)

Click here for the Manager Version!

Click here for the Healthcare Version!

Use our LMS or your own platform for Group Learning (in person or remote).

Multi-language versions available.

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Title Walking the Walk: Preventing Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace
Program length 22 minutes