Seeing Is Believing: Anti-Racism, Equity & Inclusion in a Diverse Workplace

Employee and Manager Course Versions Available

Seeing Is Believing: Anti-Racism, Equity & Inclusion in a Diverse Workplace

This timely response to the challenges of working well with all kinds of people provides a creative, effective, and engaging approach to making today’s diverse workplace work for everyone. Through the use of thought-provoking vignettes that contrast getting diversity wrong and getting it right in a variety of settings, Seeing Is Believing offers potential responses to: 

  • Unconscious Bias
  • Cultural Competency and Inclusion
  • Racism and Racial Identity
  • Forms of Racism
  • Civility, Equity, and Respect
  • LGBTQ at Work 

Seeing Is Believing encourages participants to look beyond stereotypes and really see their coworkers for who they are, and to put such hallmarks of a respectful environment as racial sensitivity, microaffirmations, and tolerance to work in the workplace in positive ways.

Employee and Manager Course Versions Available

Use our LMS or your own platform for Group Learning (in person or remote).

Multi-language versions available.

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Title Seeing Is Believing: Anti-Racism, Equity & Inclusion in a Diverse Workplace
Program length 25 minutes