OpeningLines: Facing Diversity

Elegantly and intelligently explores the four core aspects of a diverse workplace.

Diversity meeting opener available on DVD and video streaming.

Opening Lines: Facing Diversity is a four minute meeting opener/closer that elegantly and intelligently explores the four core aspects of a diverse workplace stereotypes, similarities, unity and benefits using vibrant colors and graphics along with inspirational music.

This companion video to core program Diversity: Face to Face, is a great way to start or end any discussion about diversity and respect in the workplace.

Key Learning Points

  • Stereotypes: fully understand what stereotypes are and are not. Learn how stereotypes affect others and ourselves. Learn how to recognize them and stop negative behavior.
  • Similarities: what we have in common is often what brings us together. Learn how to search for what we share rather than focus on what we disagree on.
  • Unity: becoming a member of the team is important. Unity is an important goal for any organization. Learn how to “come together” instead of excluding ourselves and others.
  • Benefits: explore the benefits and rewards of a diverse organization in ways you may have never considered! The world has changed, and because of the global marketplace, diversity is even more important than ever.

USB and DVD formats available.

Multi-language versions available.

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Title OpeningLines: Facing Diversity
Program length 4 minutes

DVD only