Choosing Civility

Choosing civility means being courteous and respectful—the key to a happy, productive, and legally compliant workplace.

Choosing Civility

This short, lively program packs a powerful punch and shows us how to get along, be productive, and avoid unnecessary conflict at work with these practical tips:

Key Learning Points

• Think about how your words might be received before you speak or hit “send,” and adjust them accordingly.
• Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you would want to be treated.
• Be inclusive and engaging.
• Use micro-affirmations like making eye contact and saying hello, goodbye, please, and thank you to engage  others in a positive manner.
• Treat everyone with respect; acknowledge our differences but focus on the things we have in common.
• Disagree without being disagreeable, in a friendly and respectful way.

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Multi-language versions available.

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Title Choosing Civility
Program length 3 minutes